Stop Living Like a Puppet
Disclaimer: Before I proceed any further, I would like to inform you that what you are about to read further is just my own personal experience(Or point of view). So there might be a scenario where you may not support my words(thoughts) or even you may have your own points to add to, whatever the opinion you might have please write it down in the comments and I would love to hear your thoughts as well.
We all have seen puppets in some family fair or some occasional places, it's very adorable to see the dolls playing the role as if they alive and entertaining, but one thing here to observe here is that they are not alive and be in complete control under the artist, so they may play the doll in however the way they want to or manipulate the doll, the reason io brought up this was that it is observed that many people try to live there life like a puppet where they are alive only outside but someone else has the string of their life. They get manipulated easily just to please out others. This kind of life is not a life anyone should live, so keeping this in mind I am trying to cover my personal thoughts on this topic. I will try to go step by step on explaining my best on the topic.
Professional life and personal life
There are mainly two types of personality an individual has namely professional and personal.

The professional life can be defined as the personality to the part of life where your job comes in, the part of life which is trying to put the food on the table for you and your family, the part of life which brings wealth to you so you can fulfill all your dream desire. On the other hand, personal life can be defined as the personality to the part of life where your social status comes in, who you are, how good or bad you are to others, your relationship status with others and your partners come in this personality.
Every person is been given both the role or responsibility in life to play. So there might be a question in your mind which life is more important or some might be in support like professional life is more important as this will make future and some might be in support like let's enjoy life now, no one knows what will happen next blah blah... Now if you ask me what will be answered here so I will say both lives are equally important and the ones who achieve their dream desire in life are the ones who have mastered their living both the life parallelly and without any ups-down in their both life.
Now how you handle your both life or say how you prioritized your life according to yourself just define who you are, now the main thing is that any individual should learn to master their both life parallel and equally.
Relationship bond
A relationship bond can be anything, a relationship between your family member, the relationship between your love partner, a relationship between friends, etc, etc… Now one main thing to observe here is that even though any kind of relationships in your life is very important to you which of course it is, still you should not let any kind of relationship become heave on you so badly that instead of living a human you start like a puppet, the string of your life starts to get in the hand os someone else. Now here I am not saying to not give any kind of intention or attention to your relationship, remember it is one of the most important parts of anyone's life, so giving your time and attention to your relationship is the most important valuable thing you can do. What I mean to say here is that always know how you are? what you are capable of, what is your most priority in your life, do not try to overdo in any way because let it be any kind of relationship if they love or care for you as you do, you would not have to cross your boundary for proving your worth to them. The best way you can still be good and prove your worth like a real human is by...
Life of puppet

By not being a puppet I still do not mean to try to ignore your loved once and start to live a life of selfishness, by this I mean that always know your worth and your capacity of worth to be given to the loved once and priority in your life, you should know what should be the most appropriate thing to do at a present situation(I mean in positive). Because a person who does not know their own self-worth is nowhere to be loved by anyone not only loved once even though it doesn't matter whatever they do for their loved ones. These kinds of people are the ones who are always been used and thrown (or dumped) after a certain amount of use by anyone, this is the category which I try to say like a puppet. This is the same people who do not have a self-image in their life, people make fun of such character, they are always down and curse the fate of their life without even realize that they are just not knowing their worth in life.
Know Your Worth

Knowing your worth I mean, know what should be prioritized at the present situation, and this happens on your balancing way of personal and professional life, you should be knowing who you are, how do you define yourself as, do not bow to someone just because they want you to be that way at a wrong timing, even they should be knowing that you might be busy at some other things, because if a person truly tells that you are a loved one to them then they should know your worth and your personal space is also very important to you and if they don't, then just ask yourself only one question are you a puppet? see I do accept doing things a little more for the ones you love is really unexplainable it really means a lot to you. I do understand this but the only thing I am trying to say here is that, know what is best in the situation and do not just get carried away in emotion. leaving all the other priority things completely left behind. Doing this only means you do not have so much value for your own self and allow others to take advantage of you. By this, you just put your own self-esteem and worth at low, and with this, you become a puppet automatically. By this I mean do love you love ones by giving them all types of love and affection they deserve but without being a puppet. When you start to know your worth
Say “NO” from being a puppet

Saying “no” doesn't stand if someone is trying to say something good for you and your standard may be wrong at that time and you just say NO because you value your worth, it is good to value your worth when you are 100% sure that you are correct or that your decision can be perfect. Otherwise, it is always wise to pay attention before a decision, for example,
If a boy is very fat and always eats junk food all the time and someone tells him to stop eating junk food so much as it is unhealthy for him and the boy tells I know what I am doing(I know my worth) so don't bother. Now in this of course the boy is wrong and most important his worth is wrong. On the hand, if a boy who loves a girl truly and even at the same he is also very good in his professional life, now one day he got a wonderful opportunity to go abroad for enhancing his professional life but the girl said not to go because she will be left alone here, for that girl, this boy just dropped his abroad plan just because he did not want to hurt her feelings even though he knew it was a lifetime opportunity for him. But again one day that same girl too got an opportunity for going somewhere to approach her dream, this time the boy stopped her saying let us do something else and not leave each other like this, but this time the girl without a second dumped him and moved on for achieving her dream.
Now here please do not see that I am trying to prove girls wrong or anything, I am just trying to convey my message through an actually happened incident. My intention here is to explain why to know your worth properly and never live the life of a puppet. Here if your partner or anyone you call your loved one really cares for you then they will be a supporter to you and the same goes for you as well, instead of being so selfish and try to manipulate you in the wrong way, love is all about supporting and being a team for both to achieve their dreams. Instead of being one side and the other side is selfish.
The bitter truth about Getting Attached

You should only get attached in the 21st century if you know how to detachment properly. Now attachment comes when you be available all the time for someone. The more you become available, the more you get attached. Learn that everything is damn temporary, emotions, thoughts, people, and scenery. If you want to not get attached. The easiest way is to live with the flow of life. The most practical way to not hurt yourself is to just be in present, neither past nor future. The Past brings hurt, the future brings tension. Those who live in the present are the person who has accepted that it's okay to let go of the things or persons at its time. They are out of the attachment zone. Sensitive persons get attached easily. If you are the sensitive one, I am not telling you to be introverted, but I am also suggesting you be extrovert. Be neutral. Connect with the right people, who are consistent with you and who you have trust in. Attachments hurt you more when you are a person who just knows holding and doesn't know to let go of the things when it's time to leave. Understand that what for me will stay with me, no matter what happens. Stop expecting, start connecting. The connection gives you power. Attachment gives you hurt. Just remember it's ok to give up on someone you love, sometimes we just need to understand that no relationship can always be carried by one person. Being alone on a road that leads you nowhere can be really frustrating, so don't give a comma where a full-stop is required. Throughout you’ve searched for a reason to stay when you have a thousand reasons not to, sometimes it's okay to pick one and leave. There is no long-term solution for a wrong relationship, it's better to keep it short and leave. To be happy and to focus on more important.
Last Words
There are millions of other things in life to do and be always better both socially and professionally. So wasting time on the one who does not value your personal space and wants to keep you for granted is just hopeless, this way you always run out of becoming a puppet because becoming a puppet just means you do not value your life and your opinion and when you become a puppet you never become what you always wanted. I know it will hurt losing the person but remember just value yourself and keep hustling and the right person will always be there for you. Remember a true relationship can never be lost ever no matter the cost. There is always another way and finally, never be desperate for anything, have patients because desperately for anything always leads to stupidity.