Negative Experiences are Important for Success

Shubham Bartia
12 min readOct 30, 2020


Disclaimer: Before I proceed any further, I would like to inform that what you are about to read further is just my own personal experience(Or point of view). So there might be scenario where you may not support for my words(thoughts) or even you may have your own points to add to, whatever the opinion you might have please write it down in comments and i would love to hear your thoughts as well.

This was one of the topics I really wanted to speak about because I do realize that there are many out there who are completely in depression or screaming for help and are unable to convey themselves directly and realizing that they are so dumped and cannot do anything good in their life. People out there who are overthinkers just like me who are not so good at keeping everything together and cannot help but keep over thinking about the same matter or negative experience they faced earlier over and over again, thinking how stupid they are.

Keeping these things in mind I am just trying to put my point of view on this topic.

You were given this life because you are strong enough to handle it

A negative experience can be anything either let it be a rejection from a company for a job, rejection or separation from a friend or group of friends, rejection or separation from a relationship, etc, etc. I know that it really hurts a lot getting that kind of rejection, it feels so horrible to get that experience but please I want you to remember one thing in life this same pain and despair which are getting you down today are the same feeling which will make you stronger and bolder tomorrow. Again I know it's easier in words and the worst is at the present mindset, and yes I do agree. Remember as I told earlier even I am one among you and have faced mostly all kinds of negative experiences. But do realize this you are stronger, you are much stronger than you can imagine, really!! trust me.

And let me remind you of one most important thing about negative experiences, though it gives you tears and sadness for some times, it surely makes you better and tougher for a longer run in life. And you know what's the funniest thing here whatever I said now I am sure even you are aware of these things and do except it's true, but still while in that negative times we get lost so much that we forget to recall these things….

No Pain No Gain

Yes, I am sure you have heard this quote a lot in your life, and this line is one of my biggest motivation in life. As I mentioned earlier section, about negative experiences, though it gives you tears and sadness for some times, it surely makes you better and tougher for a longer run in life and by this, I mean that every great thing out there let it be anything whatever you admire or inspire the most has come through a big trauma in there starting stage of life, the same tough times which had to lead them to be called so great today. For example, let me tell you a short summary of the journey of amazon(e-commerce company).

Amazon Startup Story

How Amazon Got Started

The year was 94′ and Bezos (CEO of Amazon) was working diligently on Wall Street. At 30 years old, he began to see the internet revolution take place, and made the decision to quit his job and start an internet company.

“The wake-up call was finding this startling statistic that web usage in the spring of 1994 was growing at 2,300 percent a year. You know, things just don’t grow that fast. It’s highly unusual, and that started me thinking, “What kind of business plan might make sense in the context of that growth?”

After making a list of the ‘top 20’ products that he could potentially sell on the internet, he decided on books because of their low cost and universal demand. It turns out, it was just the beginning…..

Amazon in 1994, started at a garage

The Founder’s Start

As a child, he spent summers at his grandfather’s ranch in southern Texas, “laying pipe, vaccinating cattle and fixing windmills”. The 18-year-old Bezos “said he wanted to build space hotels, amusement parks and colonies for 2 million or 3 million people who would be in orbit. ‘The whole idea is to preserve the earth’ he told the newspaper …. The goal was to be able to evacuate humans. The planet would become a park”.

Amazon’s Funding

The initial startup capital came from his parent’s personal savings. From an interview with Jeff Bezos, for the Academy of Achievement:

“The first initial start-up capital for came primarily from my parents, and they invested a large fraction of their life savings in what became And you know, that was a very bold and trusting thing for them to do because they didn’t know. My dad’s first question was, “What’s the Internet?” Okay. So he wasn’t making a bet on this company or this concept. He was making a bet on his son, as was my mother. So, I told them that I thought there was a 70 percent chance that they would lose their whole investment, which was a few hundred thousand dollars, and they did it anyway.”

Follow on Funding

Amazon raised a series A of $8M from Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers in 1995. In 1997, Amazon went public to raise additional capital. By 1999, the value of the Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers investment in Amazon created returns of over 55,000%.

Years to profit

Within two months, Amazon’s sales were up to $20,000/week. However, the company has continued to plow their revenue back into growth. The chart below depicts Amazon’s continued focus on long-term growth, with profit remaining near $0 or below, and revenue rising.

Important Amazon Milestones:

1994: Jeff Bezos quits his job and launches Amazon out of his garage.
Within 30 Days, it is doing $20,000 per week in sales.

1995: Bezos raises an $8 Million round of funding from Kleiner Perkins.

1997: Amazon goes public at $18 per share.

1999: Bezos is named Time Magazine’s “Person of the Year” for popularizing online shopping.

2009: Bezos acquires Tony Hsieh's Zappos through a stock swap.

2013: Bezos acquires the Washington Post.

Companies Amazon Has Acquired:

Amazon has made over 44 notable company acquisitions over the years. Its first Acquisition was in 1998.

  • 1998: PlanetAll, Junglee, (later became Amazon UK).
  • 1999: Internet Movie Database (IMDb), Alexa,, and
  • 2003: CDNow (Defunct)
  • 2004:, an e-commerce site in China.
  • 2005: BookSurge,, and
  • 2006: Shopbop, a women’s luxury retailer.
  • 2007: and Brilliance Audio.
  • 2008:,, Box Office Mojo, AbeBooks, Shelfari, and Reflexive Entertainment.
  • 2009: Zappos, Lexcycle, SnapTell, Stanza (Kindle Rival).
  • 2010: Touchco., Woot, Quidsi, BuyVIP, and Amie Street.
  • 2010: Toby Press
  • 2011: LoveFilm, The Book Depository, Pushbutton, and Yap
  • 2012: Kiva Systems, TeachStreet, and Evi
  • 2013: IVONA Software, GoodReads, and Liquavista
Amazon in 2020

Jeff Bezos Startup Advice

“We are stubborn on vision. We are flexible on details…. We don’t give up on things easily. Our third-party seller business is an example of that. It took us three tries to get the third-party seller business to work. We didn’t give up.”

If you’re not stubborn, you’ll give up on experiments too soon. And if you’re not flexible, you’ll pound your head against the wall and you won’t see a different solution to a problem you’re trying to solve.”

So you see every great thing today also had a great time of pain and sacrifice in their path to success or becoming big. And you know what makes them this great? they never allowed the negative time to overcome them and feel sad about it, instead they rise up from their negative time and keep trying what they always wanted and rest I don't require to say further. So if the greatest of greatest had a time of negativity and despair in their path, then what makes you so special. If they had bad times then why won't you?

It's a part of life, which I personally as well started to feel that is very important for growth because it gives very precious things in life which is called courage, strength, and experience to be better than today in your life.

Learn from your mistakes

Negative experiences are not just limited to pain or obstacles in the path to success. Many times it also raises due to our own mistakes as well. It can be anything depends on the matter or mess we just made, In a relationship, it is mostly due to a lack of understanding between partners, In friendship, it arises due to a lack of proper friendship bond between friends. In a job interview, it arises mostly due to a lack of confidence and knowledge for the job position and we should not deny that it can be mostly because of our own fault, we might not realize this but its never one-sided mistakes of anyone alone, its always and always will be the two-sided thing for any kind of mistake which was there for a longer time in any kind of a matter or relationship, We cannot just blame anyone for a mess that is just been created in a bond for so many years(let it be any kind). In the starting when meeting the person, especially when making that person or the organization a part of our social life, we didn't have this problem, then why now? This exact question automatically makes us a part of the mess and other parties not completely be blamable for the mess created. So it is always better not to give the blame completely on the other party and most of all learn from that mistake and just move on instead of repeating that case over and over again.

Measure your glass before you get poured

This point is one of the most interesting ones and is completely my own thought which I want to bring out. Look at the above image and imagine yourself as the water and the glass as your surrounding environment. Now I want you to imagine what will happen if the water has poured into the glass which can hold its capacity? Obviously, it fits easily right!. Now imagine a large amount of water is poured into a glass with not capable capacity for the water, Yes it will overflow, Now see I didn't want to bore you here. There is a message hidden here in the scenario explained. You cannot fit in the capacity which can overflow you, by this I mean a person like you if kept under the companion of someone or some people who do not match your mentality level, who do not understand what you trying to put on the table for them, will never understand your way. Now again let me remind you here even though some people do not match your way that still doesn't mean that they are bad, it is just they are different than you are, they have their own way of looking at things, they have there own perception. So you don't have to burn down the bridge between them the best way to be still in one sealing is just adjust yourself(water level) according to them. The best of doing this is to observer their behavior and perception and way of mentality they own and just adjust yourself accordingly, instead of doing anything at the initial I personally recommend to remain calm and keep observing the mentality of others before you get comfortable around them, this way you can actually get yourself out of the trouble a lot of time.

What we all have a bad habit is that we all just want to be the main fame of the group or person and for this, we just drive right in and start our own way of doing the thing, which in most of the time just end up that others might not like our attitude and they start to avoid us little by little, until the day we get a new image which we would have never wanted often and there negative experience gets added to our list. I am sure you would have experienced it in your life, we all have, and this what made me today to write this down because the negative experience gave me a good lesson. So don't be discouraged by this kind of case in your life just learn what is trying to teach you. So the thing here is that if you get the glass of your type of water capacity then it is well and good you just earn a good social connection, but even if don't burn the bridge of connection just remember you are water it can be adjusted very easily according to glass capacity and you can still get a connection if not good, at least something because everyone and everybody has something good to learn from or you may even help those water to level up to yours(I mean in positive). Even if I say don't burn the bridge there is still a glass which should be avoided as soon as possible…

Avoid Toxic Glass

Even though you can almost adjust and still live with any kind of person or group, there still this category to be avoided at any cost because no matter what kind of water you are if mixed with poison will be poison.

For an organization or a group, I will say stay away if that group doesn't have a purpose of growing significance in their path of becoming big, and even if they have, they are not changing at a pace or their actions are not leading them to their goal and still, they look calm and still on the same way without a change. I call this kind of group or organization a poison tanker.

For an individual, if a man is not going anywhere in his life, No proper purpose just chilling out, always around girls all time(I am not saying here to avoid girls!!, but a man always all-time chanting about girls) kind of distance from the normal world. Change their attitude as soon a girl enters and normally something else. A man who gets angry for even a small matter related to girls(mostly) or anything related to his ego with others without even a second thought or even knowing the matter properly, Instead of solving the matter he gets the matter to even deeper confusion and worst scenario, I call this kind of male as Girly Superman. This kind of man lives in the movie world more than reality, so better to avoid.

if a girl is always in the chill time, no respect for others' opinions let it be male or female, no requirement of understanding others' opinions. Just in their own world, no appropriate goals in life. Hunger for attention from others, Needing respect bath all time just because she is a girl. Kind of innocent face in front of their males when have any personal grudge against someone to teach them a lesson. Keeping everyone below feet kind of attitude and one who do not is a criminal, I call this kind of Female as Drama Queens.

I am sure you might go through such kind of people or scenario or even have faced such issue yourself and for such, you felt to yourself how pathetic you are just because you met them and they made you feel so horrible or anything worst case in your life has. Let me tell you the last thing …

You are awesome bro

Do not let any kind of scenario or person make you feel down, we all make mistakes and that is how we grow ourselves. Negative experiences are part of the growth in life. let it be anything making a good friend, having a good relationship, landing your dream job, getting your dream desire, everything you admire for will test your patients and on reaching them you will face a lot of defeat and mess in your way. This mostly will be created due to your own mistake. But keep in mind today to learn from the negative instead of letting it you go down.


Whatever you read earlier is just my own way of explaining my thought, so always remember the difference between a loser and a winner is just about the choice because negative times will always be there in your path to success, Winner always getup and do something instead of laying down by negative while Losers just crawl in the ground just keep remembering the negative all the time. What you wanna do now after you have read this is one you to decide, because the life is yours so is the choice. With this, I am done for today. Thank you.



Shubham Bartia
Shubham Bartia

Written by Shubham Bartia

Full-stack Web Developer, loves to travel, party, read, write, crowd speaking and code

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