Importance of relationship in life

Shubham Bartia


Disclaimer: Before I proceed any further, I would like to inform you that what you are about to read further is just my own personal experience(Or point of view). So there might be a scenario where you may not support my words(thoughts) or even you may have your own points to add to, whatever the opinion you might have please write it down in the comments and I would love to hear your thoughts as well.

No doubt we all have to work very hard to get what we want in our life. We have to be very much consistent and dedicated to our professional life, But there is one more thing in life which most of us neglect or give very little intention to, the one which most of us take for granted, which is nothing but a joke in today's world. I am going to talk about relationships. Now there are many types of relationships in one life, the relationship between your friends, relationships between your colleagues, etc. But I am not focusing on them now, I want to talk about the relationship between two loving couples who were strangers at some time.

The relationship today is more like a joke in today’s date. It's a way of time pass for the one who is immature enough to understand it. If a person is too damn serious in a relationship then mostly they are been called losers or boring(Despos)., and the saddest reality is that the players who do not have any intentions for a relationship end up having one and screw the other person around.

Now there is a reason why the good ones stay screwed while the bad ones take the sweet, which will discuss later on. For now, let us see why relationships should not be taken as a joke...

Why Relationships Matter

Love is one of the most profound emotions known to human beings. There are many kinds of love, but many people seek its expression in a romantic relationship with a compatible partner (or partners). For these individuals, romantic relationships comprise one of the most meaningful aspects of life and are a source of deep fulfillment.

No doubt you are doing great in your life, you have your friends and family who take care of you and in return, you take care of them. But actually, this is just a part 1 of your life we all should be great at. Life is actually incomplete without part 2 i.e. the love life in any individual person. We are actually not complete another half of our life, love not just gives you moral support at your lone time but also makes you 100% complete. The person can make you feel so fulfilled that you may even what to make your life way better not just for you but also for your partner as well.

Now, this kind of feeling not only just makes you feel better and do better but also makes you a more mature and responsible person directly or indirectly way. But now the question arises is, if this so true, then why people go apart, why they leave? For this let us take the next step.

Love Vs Lust

Understanding the difference between love vs lust can be quite tricky. Especially because lust is the natural and first phase of most romantic relationships and can last up to two years (max to max). It’s the first phase of ‘love’ but it doesn’t always often develop into a loving romantic relationship.

However, when you are in a relationship and if you don’t realize what the difference between love and lust is, it can be difficult to tell whether the relationship has the potential to last and also how and why your relationship (or sex life for that matter) might appear to change as you progress from lust to love.

Here are some of the ways that you can tell the difference between lust vs. love.

1. The feeling

The feelings associated with real love vs lust are very different. Love is an intense feeling of care and affection that you feel for another person. It’s so intense that a person who experiences love often forms a secure emotional attachment to the person they love.

Lust is more of a raw sexual desire and a pull between each other which is often based on physical attraction. This can either fizzle out or turn into love.

Love usually occurs as a couple starts to discover each other’s personality, and develop trust and understanding in each other. This is the difference between lust and love.

2. Overtime

Most people will generally say that they understand that love takes time to grow unless they advocate love at first sight. But the same people would probably understand that lust can happen immediately too.

The common mistake people make in this phase though is in expecting to experience lust immediately and ruling out potential partners who could turn into real love because they don’t immediately feel the lust.

Sometimes it’s worth giving somebody a chance even if you don’t feel lust immediately so that you can see if it has the potential to develop.

Another common mistake made at this stage is that a couple might experience lust fast and jump all in, expecting this lust to turn into love only for things to fizzle out fast too. The saying ‘easy come easy go’ probably applies here.

At this stage, it’s still worth checking out the people with the potential to see if lust can grow.

It’s also necessary to stay grounded if you are feeling intense lust so that you can give yourself a chance to decide if love is going to have a chance to grow.

If that’s what you want?

Over time, the lust will start to calm down and instead will be replaced with a deeper sense of love. It’s at this point that some couples might not understand why the relationship is not so sexually passionate anymore and is also the time where effort might need to be made to keep your sex life fun and exciting.

3. The time you spend together

When you are in the lusty stage of a relationship, you’ll probably spend more time enjoying sex rather than spending time investing in a deeply emotional conversation.

As time moves on, however, and as you start to fall in love, you’ll begin to find that you spend as much time learning about each other and discussing your emotional commitment toward each other.

4. Future commitment

In the lusty stage of your relationship, even though you might be considering whether you want to be with the person you are with, in the future. You may not have any immediate desire for commitment.

But when you reach the love stage, you’ll be invested and committed emotionally and physically.

You’ll want to plan for your future together, and want to continue to learn more about your partner. If you don’t develop this desire — you probably don’t want to turn this particular relationship into a loving one!

When it comes to love vs lust, you want to think about your future together in love, but in lust that might not be the priority.

5. The relationship

If you are in a stage of lust, you may be lovers, but you may not necessarily be friends. Although you may be developing your relationship into friends.

If you are in love you will be friends too. You probably won’t stop thinking about your partner and will want to know as much as you can about them.

In a relationship that transitions from the lust to the love stage you may start out not being friends, but over time you’ll develop deeper feelings and a stronger bond between you both. In love vs lust, there is always friendship involved in love, but not necessarily in lust.

Lust or love — An incredible journey

Some relationships will make it to the love stage, while others were never destined to get there. Lust or love, either way, there will be an incredible journey of self-discovery waiting for you, and one day the right relationship will turn from lust into true love.

By now the difference between love versus lust would be clear to you. Now you can make out where your relationship actually stands. Now with this much understanding let us see the very basic lifestyle for mankind to follow before going into a relationship.

Before getting into a relationship

1. Love Your Alone Time

Too often, especially at the beginning of a relationship, couples start to do everything together. Hanging out with your S.O. is great but maintaining your independence while you’re in a relationship will be super important to your happiness in the long run. That said, enjoying your alone time is key — whether you’re single or happily coupled. Do all of the things you love, whether it is walking the dog, getting work done in a cafe, or watching that movie that you secretly love, it’s important to be totally comfortable by yourself. While I would love to be with my partner every second of every day, I still cherish my time spent alone. It gives me time to clear my head, get work done, and practice self-care.

Remember those things you did before your partner? Keep doing them. I have a cafe I visit religiously to get my work done. Once in a while, my partner joins me for lunch or a coffee, but it’s still my ritual that I prefer to do alone. Whether it’s driving, trails you like to run, or re-watching that episode of Lost that makes you cry every single time, keep building a relationship with yourself.

2. Keep Jealousy From Ruining Your Relationships

After being in an unhealthy relationship where cheating was involved, it can be challenging to not jump to conclusions the next time around. Jealousy, of course, isn’t confined to love, it could be in regards to a coworker that got a promotion over you, it could be to the sibling that gets all the praise, or even directed toward the friend that looks flawless one hundred percent of the time. In more extreme cases, jealousy can lead to possessiveness in a relationship, and that’s unhealthy behavior! There’s no need to compare yourself to other people — keep on doing you and hold your head high.

Practice self-love and positive affirmations! You are awesome and deserve all the good things that come into your life! If your partner’s behavior makes you feel insecure then it may be time to start a conversation about the things that make you uncomfortable.

3. Manage Your Finances

Not being impulsive with money is always a great skill to have, but as we all know, the first stages of a relationship can be filled with impulsivity. Of course, you want to impress your new bae, and impulsive dates are the best kind of dates, but if you do that stuff too often it quickly becomes equivalent to another bill each month. Having an idea of what your spending limits are is extremely helpful when planning dates. Some of the best dates cost no money at all, and a thoughtful gift doesn’t have to be an expensive one.

There are a variety of apps that can help squash unhealthy spending habits. If you’re like me and know that you won’t actually keep up with an app, plan dates that focus on just being with each other. Going for a hike, watching a movie or making a homemade dinner at home are all lowkey date ideas that won’t hurt your wallet.

4. Manage Stress

Finding healthy ways to cope with stress is important in all aspects of life, not just relationship building. Stress management may include a yoga class, a simple walk around the park, or even a quick journal entry at the end of each day — do whatever helps you unwind. Too often we take out our stresses on the people close to us, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Finding healthy ways to cope with stress outside of your relationship only make the unwinding at the end of the day with your S.O. that much better. Bringing stress into the relationship only creates more stress — it's a cycle. Having solid stress management skills will help prevent you from snapping at your S.O.

5. Pursue Your Passions — and Make Them a Priority

It’s incredibly helpful to already be on the path of pursuing your passions when you enter a relationship. I count myself among the lucky few who have a clear career path and life goals in mind and am in the process of obtaining them. But we all know that life doesn’t necessarily work that way. Whether you are in the midst of working towards your goals, are just discovering what they are, or just pursue them on the side for personal gratification, whatever makes you tick should not be pushed aside when you enter a relationship, or at any point during the course of it. When the “we” mentality starts to take over it’s easy to put your passions, desires, and dreams, on hold. Don’t! That being said, you don’t want to become self-absorbed and put all of your priorities above your S.O.’s needs. It’s completely doable to find a healthy balance. Whatever you were passionate about before you entered your relationship is still there, having a partner just adds an amazing person to your corner to cheer you on. And, if they don’t support your dreams and passions, they are not worth your time.

6. Improve Your Communication Skills

Another skill that benefits all aspects of your life. Sometimes relationships are awkward and you have conversations that leave you wanting to teleport anywhere else than that moment. Being able to communicate your wants, needs, and what can be improved are the building blocks of a healthy, lasting relationship. Lack of communication creates rifts of misunderstanding and sometimes puts your wants and needs on the back burner. Being able to articulate clearly what exactly you mean is an admirable trait, and will create a strong foundation to any relationship, not just romantic.

Before having a difficult or uncomfortable conversation, write down the points you want to make and what you want to say. This helps organize your thoughts and makes sure that you are able to communicate all that you need to.

Some Last Personal bits of Advice

1. Desperacy leads to stupidity

Never ever go around fooling yourself for just one person in your life, there are millions of other people around you, remember this. Value yourself and value the values you are been given from your already existing loved once. Desperate for a just person will only lose your respect in your partner's eyes. Never allow them to take you for granted.

Never beg them for their love and attention you will be just making a great fool of yourself and please never do that. If a person really loves you they will give you a priority in their life, if you ever feel avoided then just do the exact same with them and wait for their reaction in back, if they are not giving any proper response in back then i am sorry my friend, its all over. Just get yourself together and move on. Its called self respect. Please have patience in love life that’s really important we all have our own personal space as well in our life.

2. You are doing great

Never allow your partner to make you feel down for your efforts for them. We do not have just a single person for each and every day, we got a lot of things to do in our lives and their time is there and rest we even have our own world as well. If your partner cannot understand this, then just get yourself up and start walking and never look back.

3. Stay away from time passes and attention grabbers

You will encounter many such pathetic creatures in your life who will just come into your life in some selfish or meaningless way. The one who acts very good in front of you and stabs you behind your back, the one who acts very ridiculously and showoffs just to get the public attention and symphathy. For people like this, your love is just a damn joke. These kinds of immature creatures have no idea about their lives and have no vision for their life, they take people for granted and only for their selfishness. Just ask yourself do you want this kind of creature in your life? No? then please stay miles away from these.

4. Bros before hoes

Always remember no matter how beautiful or stunning your partner is, they can never take place of your family or bros until married. No matter how deep you are in love, never ever, I repeat never ever leave your bros for this person at any cost. Because you see all these GF/BF shows or even let us take relatives in family members as well they can never ever have “best” in the prefix of their name or how we call them.

But we can always call our bros our best friends (This is a real thing guys be serious) because whenever the bad days comes these GF/BF show might fade away, our relative or family members might not understand us but, these friends will always be there by our side. They will jump with us in this mess just to pull us out and that's what friends always do. So never ever give place to your partner before your bros, Bros comes always first.

5. Loyalty is Royalty

If you are in a relationship then please avoid seeing a next person in your life, this is one of the most cheapest behaviour you can ever possess. Be mature enough to not allow youself to get distracted from these temporary lust. You already have a partner who loves you and you love them back and thats enough (again i am not saying avoid friendship with others here) but do not see any other person in that lusty way.

If a couple is already in a relationship or the perosn you like is already in a relationship, please be mature enough to leave them happy (If you really love that person then don’t come in their way). Do not try to double cross your partner or take someone else place in your crush life, again its one of the most cheapest thing you will ever do. If you get that person great, if not? just move on and don’t try to make a lot of GF/BF in life, please one of my humble request stay away from these peer preasure. This is one of the most immuture nature you can ever have in life.

6. Be aware of maniac lovers

You might have heard stories or seen them in your life about someone who will cut their hands or try to hurt or bleed themself when rejected or cheated, and here we all start to feel aww what a loyal lover he/she is.

Let me tell you one thing if you really love a person, never allow yourself to get lost or feel like hurting yourself or anybody else in the process (Yes, i know it hurts a lost inside but please let that be inside) if that pain is coming out of you, you will hurt yourself or somebody else and this is what we call psychopath activity and its purely immuture. Moreover if cutting hand or bleeding yourself is what you are doing in the love, then i am really sorry my friend to tell you this but that’s not at all a love in my personal opinion. It’s just a maniac lover activity which just tells your partner what a great relieve they have done rejecting or leaving you, and you loose your self respect in their eyes for sure. They just think you need medical attention instead of them in your life for now.

A person cutting hands or bleeding themself for someone else is just a psychopath who has never loved that person the right way, and can go any extend to get that person which is purely pathetic way of showing love to someone and please don’t be one and if encouter any try to help them understand this.


Look, I myself have never been into a proper relationship till date in my life, but even though i have not been in a real relationship, I still knows the value of a relationship in anyones life and its importance so just tried sharing some thoughts with you all on this topic. feel free to comment down below your thoughts in this or if you feel anything not upto the mark according to you share that as well, I would love to hear from your side.

Remember not to take someone feelings for granded at any cost and know this that love take patients to get, so try to chill and remember it’s a important part of life which should be taken seriously but not stressfully.


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Shubham Bartia
Shubham Bartia

Written by Shubham Bartia

Full-stack Web Developer, loves to travel, party, read, write, crowd speaking and code

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